Thursday, April 16, 2020

a little bit of life [4.16.20]

Our little bit of life is really looking about the same these days...

...still walking, walking, walking.  It has been SO nice outside lately (of course, as I type this Tyler and I are talking about how it had SNOWED this week!)

This guy is getting all. the. exercise.

See? Ha!
We have been doing our yoga in the evenings after Lake goes to bed but on Friday, we figured we'd knock it out early... 
...we've had better ideas.

This one had a Zoom meeting with his classroom on Friday and got to "bring" a show and tell item!  He picked his basketball tournament champion trophy.

...and then proceeded to tell the class that *THIS* (shows golden, smaller trophy - THAT ANOTHER KID HAD JUST SHARED!!) is "just a participation trophy" and *THIS* (shows larger trophy) is "is the trophy that *insert other child's name WHO HAD JUST SHOWN HIS PARTICIPATION TROPHY* would've gotten if his team won the championship, which my team did...

...I mean he isn't wrong?
I would be lying if I didn't say that I BUSTED OUT LAUGHING and swiftly followed my laughter up with a "hey man, be nice" cause I was scared that the other moms were gonna come and get me.

...We are just missing our little league sports, that's all ;)

...I snapped this one over the weekend and, I mean, should I get him an agent?
I know this might sound a little biased but Lake Welch, you are BEAUTIFUL!

Granny stopped by on Easter and got all. of. the. lovins.

Yes, I do chase him around with a camera ;)

I snapped this Monday morning as I was heading into the office
...and by heading into the office I mean I just made up my bed (aka: my recent workspace) shut my bedroom door, and turned on my computer. #thanksrona

Speaking of my new office...

Corb came to keep me company as he was doing his morning reading and then...

My older ones started filing in soon after... I didn't mind it :)

Hi, hey, hello my name is Emily and I have recently become obsessed with lemon water.
I realized the other day when I sat down for dinner that I had not drank ANYTHING all. day. long. aside from my morning cup of coffee.
...and then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I did the same thing the day before... and the day before that, too?!
Que me literally going to the pantry and chugging a bottle of water because I thought for sure any second my kidney's were going to fail.

Listen. I am no 'I drink 8 glasses of water a day' kind of person clearly.  Really, I'm not a 'drinker' of anything except wine. And when I see my friends just walking around sipping on water FOR THE FUN OF IT day in and day out (looking at you, Erica..) I want to hurl.  

...Not that I don't 'like' water, I do like water.. I just don't drink it for the fun of it.

...but after realizing that i've basically been depleting my body of any sort of hydration for, um, awhile, I decided to grab a cup, fill it with ice, throw a bunch of lemons in there and drink, drink, drink water all day long.

..and now I'm kind of obsessed and have sort of made a game out of how much water I can drink in one day.  

I know. I'm losing it. 
...but I actually feel pretty darn good and healthy ;) 
...because, you know, my body isn't on the brink of dehydration.

There you go.  There's your PSA for today: Drink water.
Actually, just don't blindly dehydrate yourself like I had made a habit of doing ;)

Well, there's a little bit of our life lately.
We are so ready for some normalcy around here!

See you tomorrow! 

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