Monday, April 13, 2020

smokey egg salad

Got a bunch of dyed Easter Eggs that you don't know what to do with?

Use them to whip up a yummy batch of egg salad!

You can find us devouring these at lunch time on the weekends or if we're trying to rush off to a baseball game on a weeknight.
...or when you're quarantined at home with your family and you cannot take one.more.second. of hearing "I don't want another peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!"
...because how many times have you heard that lately?
(...and all the tired homeschooling parents said  'eat it or starve' 'amen'...)

Egg salad is a 'make to your liking' kind of dish, so usually, I just eyeball it - but, this is pretty darn close.

We usually eat these with some good ole Lays Potato Chips but I had some red potatoes I needed to use, so I roasted them up!

this batch makes about 8 sandwiches

White bread (yes, white.. if you insist on using a healthier bread then go for it, but don't say I didn't tell you otherwise), toasted
8 hard boiled eggs, peeled
3  tablespoons of Mayo (we girls in the south use Dukes)
1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon of hot sauce (we use Franks!)
1 teaspoon of Spanish Smoked Paprika (you can use regular Paprika but the smoked paprika makes a HUGE difference)
1/2 tablespoon of soften butter
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
A handful of veggies (we use green onions and occasionally a little bit of chopped celery!)

Start by boiling and peeling your eggs
Once you've peeled the shells off, take a box grater and run the eggs against the grater - if you don't have a grater, finely chop the eggs
Put grated eggs into a mixing bowl and add your mayo, softened butter and a really big pinch of S&P and combine well
Add in your white wine vinegar, lemon juice, paprika and hot sauce and stir well
Fold in your chopped green onions (some of my family isn't a big fan of green onions on their egg salad so I usually set these aside and add to the sandwiches accordingly)
Place a big dollop on a slice of toasted bread or in a bowl to dip with crackers - and enjoy! 

Store leftovers for up to 2 days in the refrigerator 

Make this ahead of time for a lunch time change up or a quick weeknight dinner (it's better than a drive thru!)

Super simple, super quick - and NOT A PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICH ;)

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