Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easter weekend recap

Our Easter weekend was probably pretty similar to yours:  Different.

BUT, we made the best of what we were given:  pretty weather - followed by a TON of rain.

We start almost every weekend off with...

A good ole 'Dad Breakfast' ( the boys call it)
Either on Saturday or Sunday, depending on our schedule, Tyler always, always, always makes a good breakfast... and if the boys have any sort of sporting event that day, a good breakfast is guaranteed #coachmentality

...notice how I said 'dad breakfast'... See, around here, there is no such thing as 'mom breakfast'
...not because I don't know how to make breakfast but because my brain cannot comprehend why any human on the planet would want to spend their morning hours making food instead of sleeping.
...I don't do mornings.

So shout out to my husband, whom if it weren't for him, my children would starve in the mornings all breakfasts flow...

We all hung out and did a whole lot of nothing Friday and Saturday and I failed to document any of the 'nothingness'... I mentioned in my Friday Favorites about my one of my favorite, favorite tv series, 'The Bible' and thought it would be a good idea to let the boys watch the 'Jesus' episodes (the first few episodes are devoted to the Old Testament) - and I am SO glad I did.  Now there were obviously some gruesome parts, but I thought that for the most part, they were mature enough to watch it (they are 6,8 and 9!).  They were really into it and asked really good, deep and thought provoking questions.  I know I've said it before, but aside from them thinking they know everything this season of life that they are in is quickly becoming one of my favorites.  

Saturday night before the Easter Bunny hopped our way, my sister brought over some cookie decorating kits for the boys (she is our resident Cookie Queen)...

They wrecked the kitchen while Tyler and I did our yoga so I could be all 'zen' and 'namaste' instead of 'the kitchen is a disaster so you'd better run cause i'm coming for you' uptight-like.

Cookie decorating with boys? is everything you're probably imagining and more, ha!

Liam spent a TON of time on one cookie (they all had 4 to decorate),  blew by 2 others and gave me his last ;)

Corbin wanted to eat them and he wanted to eat them right then and there... Little icing here, little icing there, 'no i'm not covering the entire cookie that'll take too long' and boom, done.
"Can I eat them and how many of them can I eat?" quickly followed.

BUT... there was this...

See that? Corbin said that's Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins.. and Corbin said he wished he could give it to Jesus and let him eat it.
...and then I had to walk away because the #momtears started up.

He was in a HURRY but he slowed down enough to acknowledge why he was decorating those cookies in the first place...
6 year olds. They give you life lessons when you least expect them ;) 

As for Mason, my art-sy one of the bunch, who I was expecting to show up in a BIG way...

....put sprinkles all in the center of his cookie and covered them with a MOUND of icing so you couldn't see them.  
He said he wanted to be 'surprised' when he bit into the glob of sugar only to find that there were hidden pieces of MORE SUGAR underneath. *palm to forehead*
...I guess he was trying to make it an 'experience'

Anyway, points across the board for creativity and not making a total mess. 

...out of the 12 cookies between them, only three remained. So you can BET they weren't ready for bed ANYTIME soon.

On Easter morning the boys woke up to filled Easter baskets...

and... egg filled yard! Yay! Thanks, Granny and Pa.
We usually have a big Easter egg hunt at my parents house, but since the 'rona is here, they brought the hunt to us!

Now, this is where the train goes off the rails.  This year is Lake's first year that he was able to participate in the Easter Egg hunt, and his older brothers were so great about helping him and showing him the ropes...

...and after staging these photos (yes, ha, staged..) he couldn't have cared less and took off running down the road.
..which meant I took off running after him. my bathrobe.

So, that's the beginning and end of the photos of the 'Great Easter Egg Hunt of 2020', ha.

About 2 seconds later (seriously.) the bottom fell out and it rained... and rained... and rained.
All. day. long.

Which gave us the perfect opportunity to play with the games that the Easter Bunny brought us!

I can confirm that we probably enjoyed playing games more than the kids did ;)

..ha! Also, someone get this man a haircut! #ronaproblems

...and this is where my documentation came to an end.
We had dinner and played our new Switch game and then off to bed we went! 

We had a great time being cooped up in the house! Definitely a different Easter.. but I think it'll be one that the boys will always remember.  

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