Thursday, April 9, 2020

a little bit of life [4.9.20]

Here's a little bit of life lately for your Thursday...

I think over the last week (or weeks, really) - we can sum up the bulk of our activity with this photo:

Ha! We are doing so. much. walking.
After breakfast, before a nap, after dinner, when it isn't raining...
We walk and we walk some more... my calves thank you, quarantine, and so does my worn out toddler!

Anyone else having a similar problem? 
I'm attempting to work from home... but my newly hired assistant is proving to be quite the distraction ;) pays to have big brothers that don't mind slinging you around in a laundry basket all day!

Is this picture not pitiful? This is Lake's best buddy Kason (they are two months apart!)
Their daddies walked outside for a minute and they just stood there waiting for them to come back inside. 

...if only we all enjoyed exercising as much as Lake!  

So a little mushy, fun fact about my husband: Tyler is one of the most thoughtful, intentional people on the planet... 
He's the type that comes home from a grocery run with a coffee because I mentioned hours ago I was having a long day, or he'll swing by and pick up my favorite salad on his way home from work if I say we're just having leftovers, or i'll mention weeks ago that we need a new shower caddy, and he shows up with one (after i've totally forgotten about it!)  
He's just a very intentional and a very good listener.

 So, on Tuesday I sent him out on an "Easter Basket" mission to Walmart (EVERYTHING is closed and we waited until the last minute  so we had to do some major improvising) - we stayed on the phone with each other and he scaled the aisles for candy and a few nick nacs for the boy's baskets.  

Then that evening, after the boys went to bed, he randomly went out to the garage and brought in a Walmart bag (he said it was my 'Easter basket' but he couldn't wait to give it to me, ha!) that had a couples devotion and a chess set in it.  He said that he had remembered that I had mentioned once that I didn't know how to play chess but wanted to learn and as he was scaling the aisles for board games a good book or two for the boys, he saw the chess set and this devotional. 

So, we set up chess, poured a glass of wine and had a little lesson/ date night. Ha.  

My man. So thoughtful, a good listener and teacher and terribly impatient ;)
 (I don't think I've ever actually opened a gift from him on Christmas day or my birthday... ha!)

By the way, I am pretty positive chess playing won't be on my list of talents anytime in the near future.

That's a little bit of life around here, lately!  Lot's of walking, lots of working from home and lots of quarantine-ing!

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