Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lake [19 months]

What better time to talk about the tiniest member of our bunch than the day he turns nineteen months old? (brb, crying)

Tyler Lake Welch was born on September 7, 2018 and has had our entire family wrapped around his little fingers ever since.

Out of our 4 boys, he is the most laid back of them all.  
...I mean, he really is so. laid. back. and always has been (and I HOPE he always will be!).
...To the point that when he was only a month or so old, my mom accompanied me to a check up for him (he had some gunk in his eye..) and she asked the doctor if it was NORMAL for him to be as laid back as he was.
...thanks, Mom ;)

Honestly, this child has known nothing but go-go-go!
...Because when you have 3 older brothers in sports, you go-go-go
(Best mom ever alert: This baby was at the baseball field TWO DAYS AFTER we brought him home from the hospital...)

Tyler says that when he cries, he 'cries with purpose' - meaning rarely, and I mean RARELY are you going to see him cry unless he needs something (...mainly food, ha!)
If he's really tired? He just goes to sleep...
If he's wanting a bath? He just goes and stands by the tub...
When he was a tee-tiny baby he WOULD NOT EVEN LET ME ROCK HIM TO SLEEP! 
He wanted to be laid down and left alone 
(...and considering he's the last baby we'll have, I sort of hated this!)

Seriously, he is just chill.

Lake was named by my Dad - and his name was 30 years in the making!
The story goes that when my mom was pregnant with me or my sister, my dad always said that should either of us had been boys, he wanted to name us 'Lake'.  He LOVED THAT NAME.
...and well, he got 2 girls ;)
Even when my sister and I started having kids, neither of us settled on 'Lake' for our boys names, but man oh man did he push it.  
...and when my sister said she was done having kids and I knew this would be my last one - 
I knew I had to name this baby 'Lake'.

...Listen, my mom and I are close.. but my dad and I have always had a special relationship -
 I needed to name this baby Lake, and I am so glad I did!

God knew we needed this little guy.  
Lake is the glue that binds our blended family together.  He is unique in that he holds a little piece of all of us in him.  

He is such a special, sweet, seriously chill little guy.

Happy 19 Months, Tyler Lake!

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