Thursday, August 6, 2020

Friday Favorites! [8.7.20]

Hello my name is Emily and I have gone through FIVE different kinds of cups within the summer.
Honorable mention goes to my nearly 2 year old for breaking most of them by throwing them on the ground! ;)
Lake had just broken my last tervis and I was in a swivel to get a cup to take to work.  Tyler happened to be going to Walmart for something and I told him to pick me up something, anything that I could take to work and he came home with this.  
...and now I own two of them because they are INCREDIBLE.
Listen, I've had my fair share of Yeti's and Contigo's and Polar Bottles, but this one is by farrrr my favorite.  
They come in all different color combinations and i'm currently browsing designs on how I want to personalize them! 
I love that it is designed like a tumbler, I love that it's sturdy and can probably withstand the tantrum of a 2 year old, I love that it literally keeps my ice cold for DAYS (yes, DAYS!) - I love the sleek design.  I just love it and I think you'll love it, too, okay?
Now here's hoping that Lake won't break them in the near future, ha!  

I am not the kind of gal that enjoys these kind of shows, but me and my entire family are HOOKED on Alone!
If you don't know what the show is, it's basically Survivor on a billion steroids.
The show literally skatters 10 people off on some God forsaken part of the Earth that has not the greatest climate and says 'Good Luck, k bye.' These people are literally ALONE and have to fend for themselves.  I love it.  It is so intense.  We found the 6th season on Netflix and found other seasons on Hulu... we've already watched the 6th and are starting another one!
Our boys LOVE it and it's so fun watching it with them! 

If you haven't tried my homemade ranch yet then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? 
I recently made a batch when a few friends were over and they all LOVED IT!  I promise, once you make this, you'll never buy bottled ranch again!

Well, I'm oiling again, ha!
I was cleaning the house a few weeks back and really wanted to have a light, refreshing fragrance to burn.  
...but i'm kind of a 'warm and cozy' candle smell kinda girl, so my typically vanilla/ cinnamon candles just were not cutting it.  So, I decided to pull my oils back out and I haven't turned back since.
I LOVE THE WAY they make my house smell - almost spa like and it's become a morning and evening ritual of mine to get the diffusers going!
I ordered this set off of Amazon and can't believe how affordable they were!
I plan to do a post soon of all of my favorite concoctions (because I really only use them for diffusing purposes!)!

Finally, speaking of oil diffusing...

I ordered this diffuser off of Amazon and LOVE IT! 
It is so incredibly affordable and I love that there's 2 misting options: 1 allows you to run the diffuser constantly and the other one runs periodically.
I ordered two of them and have one in my kitchen and one in my bedroom.
Love, love, LOVE this!

So there's some of my favorites for ya!
I'm off to celebrate my anniversary this weekend at a friend of ours wedding!
See you on Monday, have a great weekend! 

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