Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Liam and Corbin's OLYMPIC birthday

A few weeks ago I saw a post on Facebook where a family was playing really bizarre games and deeming it the 'Quarantine Olympics'...
and if you know anything about the dynamics of our family, you know this was screaming out to me that we HAD to do something like this.

Lucky for us, we had two boys needing to celebrate their birthdays in the coming weeks AND we, too, are still in quarantine-hell with the rest of America.

So, this weekend, we threw a super low key, chill 'Olympic' themed birthday party for Liam and Corbin and we had A BLAST!

We invited our close friends 'Uncle Tookie and Aunt Erica' to come and celebrate with us and play along in the games.  The boys had no idea we were doing any of this so they were so surprised and excited when they walked inside...

I made a couple of different finger foods and a BUNCH of junk food to last us through the long evening ahead.

My sister made these yummy, yummy and festive cookies for the celebration.

Okay, so the games.  We played FIFTEEN different games (phew. I'm tired just thinking about it!)... all with 'household'-ish items and everyone scored a point depending on where they fell in their 'age group' (Kids: 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 3 points... Adults were the same..) so it kept it competitive among all of us.

I have never laughed harder in my life.  We had such a great time (...even though I came in dead last place...)

We ate a bunch of junk, played a lot of games and laughed so, so, much that I was nearly crying half the night.  

The boys have decided that they want to do this every year for their birthday, so I'd say we succeeded in making the 'most' of the current situation we're all facing :)

Definitely a birthday to be remembered!

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