Thursday, May 28, 2020

kids in the kitchen: Mason [May 2020]

I'm back with another 'kids in the kitchen post'!
If you're just tuning in and are all 'what the heck is going on?!' you can click here and read about how we've got our three little chef's cooking once a month over at our house :) 

In a nutshell...

1. Once a month, on a Saturday (because time and patience need to be in an ABUNDANCE of supply...) each of my three older boys get to whip up something yummy.  

2. We draw 'Saturdays of the week' to see who cooks when... the boys draw the numbers and that's the day that they cook

3. They pick a recipe from a recipe book that we have and let me know what I need to add to my grocery list 

4.They do just about everything on their own - but i'm there as moral support/ adult supervision ;)

Alrighty, let's get started!

  The boys had been discussing having 'dinner guests' on the night that they cooked, so since we hadn't seen Mamaw and Papaw in awhile (Tyler's parents!) we invited them over to watch Mason whip up some delicccciooouusss Chicken Bacon Carbonara (from Mix and Match Mama's: Eats cookbook!) and yummy banana milkshakes for dessert!

When I made my grocery list on Thursday, he sat down with me and let me know what I needed to add to my list.

As always, we stuck with our trusty, tried and true method.

Step 1:  Read off and retrieve your list of ingredients
...I unfortunately did not get this captured because Tyler was mowing the grass and I was on Lake duty ;)

Step 2: 'Prepare' your ingredients
For this recipe, he had to mince quite a few garlic cloves...
...he had a much better go at the garlic press this go around ;)

He also had to chop quite a few green onions, so we opted for scissors instead of a knife :)

He got to crack a few eggs and separate the yolks and whisk them, too... Something he hadn't done before!
 He was SO EXCITED that Mamaw made a point to arrive early so he could show her all of his chef skills!

Here he's frying the bacon and yes, repeating 'slow and low' three dozen times ;)

Bon Apetit! Another dinner that was executed dang near flawlessly!

He did such a good job and definitely maneuvered around the kitchen with much more of a flow.  I never had to tell him to wash his hands, he was always cautious when using any sharp objects and he kept an eye on his dinner without being reminded to.  He cracked eggs like a pro and learned how eggs benefit a dish (it made the pasta so airy and fluffy!) - I give him AND his dish an A++

I have been so impressed with how the boys have taken to cooking and the finesse that they all use in the kitchen!  I love making these memories with them.  

Next up will be Corbin and then we'll start over in June!

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  1. This post has been pinned to our Encouraging Hearts and Home Pinterest board, thanks for sharing at the Encouraging Hearts and Home Link-up and Blog Hop! Please come and visit again, we appreciate it.
